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Fine Motor/Social/Self-Care Developmental Milestones

Here are some skills that your child should have at different ages.  If you are concerned that your child is not acquiring these skills, please speak to an Occupational Therapist.

At 0-3 months, your child:

Brings hands to mouth
Easily takes breast or bottle
Follows a face
Looks at you
Smiles at you
Quiets when comforted

At 3-6 months, your child:

Plays with hands and feet
Holds a toy (3 months)
Looks at a toy and reaches (4-6 months)
Transfers toys from hand to hand
Tracks (watches) objects moving in all directions
Attempts to hold bottle
Props on forearms when on his stomach
Lifts and hold head up when on her stomach

At 6-9 months, your child:

Uses index finger to poke
Holds an object in each hand to play with both
Begins to sit while using hands to play
Feeds himself finger foods

At 9-12 months, your child:

Uses thumb and index fingertips to grasp
Drops and picks up toys
Uses both hands to play with a toy
Able to support himself on his hands and knees
Begins to use a spoon
Begins to hold a cup with two hands

At 12-18 months, your child:

Is able to sit and play with toys using both hands
Pulls apart pop beads
Stacks blocks
Learns to put small toys into a container
Begins to play alone
Helps put things away
Learns to eat with a spoon
Learns to drink from a cup
Removes socks and helps put on pants and shirt

At 18-24 months, your child:

Turns pages of a book
Draws lines on paper with pencil, crayon, or marker
Imitates peer and adult play
Helps take off pants and shirt
Stacks blocks
Begins to put puzzle pieces in
Learns to roll, kick, and throw a ball
Drinks from and open cup

At 2-3 years, your child:

Learns to string beads
Starts to build with blocks
Can play for long periods with toys
Will watch other children play but not join in
Participates in a simple group activity
Defends his own possessions
Learns to catch a medium-sized ball
Begins to dress himself
Opens a door by turning the handle
Begins to draw lines and a circle
Shows an interest in toilet training

At 3-4 years, your child:

Catches a medium-sized ball with his hands
Throws a ball overhand and underhand
Begins to draw simple shapes
Cuts paper
Interacts/plays with other children
Shares/will take turns with help
Begins dramatic play
Can pour well from a small pitcher
Can button and unbutton large buttons
Can wash her own hands
Dresses with supervision
Attempts to brush teeth

At 4-5 years, your child:

Catches a tennis ball
Cuts on a line
Is learning to write his name
Plays and interacts with other children
Plays dress-up or copies other "grown-up" activities
Buckles shoes or belt
Zips a zipper
Uses the toilet independently
Puts on socks and shoes (with help tying)

At 5-6 years, your child:

Cuts out simple shapes
Learns to write the alphabet
Colors within the lines
Holds a pencil with thumb and index finger
Establishes right- or left-handedness
Plays simple and competitive games
Engages in cooperative play with other children
Chooses clothes and gets dressed
Learns to put shoes on the correct feet
Learns to tie shoelaces
Brushes teeth independently

At school age, your child:

Writes upper and lower case letters easily
Can copy from the board
Can complete mazes
Can ride a bike
Can engage and attend to school work
Can solve simple dilemmas
Can resolve minor conflicts with peers