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6710 N. Country Homes Blvd Spokane, WA 99208

Call Us Today 509-487-2958

Aquatic (Pool) Therapy

We provide physical therapy in a pool setting.  A therapeutic pool allows the child to work in a warm, buoyant environment to address posture, strength, range of motion, balance, coordination, and sensory processing.  We utilize the unique characteristics of the water including buoyancy, resistance, total contact, and warmth as an alternative environment for learning movement.

In this environment, children with little independent movement are able to isolate muscles and initiate movements that gravity or increased muscle tone restrict.  For those children that require additional sensory information, the water is an excellent place to add resistance for strengthening and compression for improved body awareness.  Aquatic therapy provides a safe and fun environment to learn movement and build rapport and trust while providing different opportunities for movement and success that are not possible on land.


Ten-Week Sessions are offered at one hour a week on Tuesdays.  Locker rooms are available with a shower.  Please bring a towel and appropriate swim wear, i.e. swim diaper.  The water temperature is between 90-94 degrees.
Click Here for Swimming Pool Directions


Appropriate Diganosis Include: Down Syndrome, Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Sensory Integration Issues, Orthopedic Conditions, and Undiagnosed Movement Dysfunction

Benefits of the Pool include: Increased strength, decreased muscle tone, improved range of motion, improved body and safety awareness, improved balance and coordination, tactile input, motivation, lifelong leisure, year-round fitness activity.

Contraindications: bowel incontinence (e.g. diarrhea), vomiting, fever, uncovered open wounds, uncontrolled seizure activity.